My style model is an interview between ABC news and Barack Obama.
Question: Mr. President, thank you so much for sitting down with us today.
Obama: Yeah sweet mate.
Q: There is a lot that I want to ask you about the government shutdown
and foreign policy, but I wanted to start with health care. The
signature element of your health care law went online this week, and the
interest seems to have really exceeded expectations, but there were
some serious glitches with the online systems. And our reporting shows
that the number of people who actually managed to sign up for insurance
in the states using the federal system was in the single digits. How
many people have actually signed up for insurance this week?
Obama: Well you know I um like don't know the right figures yet, I will 'av to get back to you on that one yeah mate. But the thing is I reckon it did well good than I first thought, people really need healthcare so it'll be alright. And ye the website got a bit too busy but it happens, but my mates are working all the time to sort this out, and I reckon it'll be sound.
Q: Do you have a message for those Americans who tried to sign up this week and gave up in frustration?
[Barack Obama sighs]
Obama: Ye I do. The should not give up, bit of patience and it will be cool. They've got bags of time, more than i can imagine. They'll be alright as it isn't in charge till January, so they shouldn't be bothered ye. It will be sound cuz I just think it will be. The americans will be cool with it I reckon.
Q: Thanks for that Mr. President, much appreciated.
Obama: Alright mate, see you in a bit.