Me: To the top left draw a diamond (7)
Dwayne: Yeah
Me: About the space of your little finger (.) on the
right edge of the diamond (.) stick your finger out and then draw a snowman
with a small head (.) but its got to be joined
Dwayne: Small head
Me: Then a big body going down but don’t separate the
head don’t put a line above the head if you get where I am coming from
Dwayne: Yeah
Me: Um below the diamond (.) probably a finger space
below it do an equal sign (8) diagonal
The task was to describe shapes to another participant
who didn’t know what they were. The use of language throughout the conversation
was very descriptive, which helped to create an image of the shapes in order to
draw them. Back channel agreement features when Dwayne says ‘yeah’ and ‘small
head’ the feature of this indicates he understood what the instructions were.
Pauses were common, as I was concentrating on the instructions I was going to
tell him.
I found this really hard, certainly much harder than I expected. It's hard to help someone build a clear mental picture of such a randomly composed drawing. I think the most important thing was getting them to draw stuff in the right place at least.