Monday 30 September 2013

For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night
Whiter than new snow upon a raven's back.
Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;
Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night

- Metaphorical

This is a small extract from the play Romeo and Juliet. Juliet is on the balcony speaking to Romeo, sharing their romance with one another. 

This example features frequent uses of archaic lexis. Features such as: frozen register 'thou' and 'wilt', which isn't used in everyday English will not be known by many. Due to our knowledge of Shakespeare, we will recognize the poetic and romantic techniques which will give us a more knowledgeable approach.  This gives the audience a insight of the type of language used in the late 1500's. Shakespeare's use of this language is an advantage to all, as he provides us with possibly their language which may have been deemed as standard English. We would now use 'you will', which is a common use of standard English. In the monologue Shakespeare is creating a romantic ambiance, the target audience such as: romantic readers. Words such as 'loving' help to reach the audiences needs and their expectations is vital for a writer and Shakespeare has precisely.

'Whiter than new snow upon a raven's back' is a good use of metaphorical language. Shakespeare has used this to creating a more emotional story of Romeo and Juliet. It also makes the piece a lot more entertaining and vivid entertaining. People who are reading it for the first time may be more familiar with the text when metaphors are used, as they can relate it with similar aspects. 

Another method that Shakespeare used to portray Juliet's love and compassion for Romeo is her use of language towards him. 'Take him and cut him out in little stars', some readers may find this 'cheesy' however, due to the content being very calm and romantic the use of this language is vital in entertaining the audience. 

Homework - Blog Analysis

My analysis is on a review of Fifa 14. This blog is a insight of the game and the features within it. It gives a good description of how the game has improved which could be used as a persuasive techniques to draw readers in to play the game. Low frequency lexis features within the review, words such as 'caveats' which are solely used due to the context being football. This text is very informative containing Fifa related information to create an image in the readers head of how the game works.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Analysis Homework

Comedy Sketch:

My chosen piece to analyse is a clip from the TV Series 'The Inbetweeners'. This is one of my all time favorite shows, as it's very humorous due to it's use of language techniques. This chosen clip is from Mr.Gilbert's graduation speech.

He starts the speech with 'I will forget each and every one of you, almost immediately.' This can be deemed are very offensive and negative, however the humor in this is based on the characters upfront and concise personality. The tone of his voice, especially when he says 'If you think it will be nice to pop in and see how we are getting in, don't.' He shows authority and 'rips' into the students which his dry sense of humor, this is what the audience will find amusing. His bluntness towards the students is also funny, as he doesn't care about how they feel, he will just give his opinion and they can take it as it comes.

'Some of you I actively dislike, for no other reason than your poor personal hygiene'. Offensive comments in comedy are always a cheap laugh as the audience will on most occasion find jokes about other characters rather amusing.The use of taboo language when he says 'I can be one truly nasty f**ker' is humorous as he's very concise and blunt towards the audience. Ending the sentence with taboo language add's more effect as it stands out from the rest of the text, swearing at the teenagers, which is the funny part. 

Monday 16 September 2013

Armstrong and Miller - RAF Pilots D-Day

 This clip if based on a boat trip based on D-Day. It's a very comical version, which features unusual ongoing of a comical transformation or the event.

In this clip the actors don't think they're politically incorrect or racist, however they are and it's ironic. They say in denial humorous speeches such as 'It's weird that Curly Wilson, let us take his place on the french trip' As if it's a holiday, however they're going to war - that's the joke. The use of taboo language and sexual terms such as 'pubes' is a way to create a 'easy laugh'. Sociolect also features within the text 'Lush' a British term for 'nice' or lovely' this is a informal way of saying it.

Sociolect features throughout the clip such as 'Donkey rides is cruel blud', this is unfamiliar for a adult as 'blud' is associated to be said by a teenage sociolect group. Taboo language regularly features within the clip such as 'shit' which is an addition to the humor. 

Friday 13 September 2013

Transforming Texts - Homework

I have transformed a poem, based on slang from a 'chavy' love poem.

What is 143? Baby, don’t hurt me
don’t make me ask the ?
are we bf and gf
or just bfs,
bc I kno u
and I need an answr 2night—
not l8r 2day,
not 2morrow
Our relationship isn’t bout a/s/l,
isn’t filled with kthxbai
after we, you kno, do it…
OMG, this is awk
aka: our “situation”
bka: our love
are you my bf?
you dunno?
I'm busy, g2g,                                                                                                                                   
I luv u.
My version
What's 143?
Madam, don't distress me
This evening,
Don't force me to make the proposal
Are we companions?
Or are you just my dear friend?
Because I perceive you?
And I need a response tonight
Not later today
Not tomorrow

Our relationship isn't about sex,
it isn't occupied with conversation
After we have, sex..

Oh dear, this is awkward,

Also known as: "state of affair"
Better known as: Our passion and love

Are you my partner, my love?

You're uncertain?

I'm unavailable, I have to depart

I love you.

Sunday 8 September 2013

A chilly summer morning of August '96

A chilly summer morning on the seventeenth day of August, a young screaming baby was born. To the delight of my mother and father, Liam Whelan was born at 05:00 am. I grew up in the city of Bristol, in My first house in Charles road. I've luckily been brought up in a very stable and caring family, the majority of them being of irish decent. Loud, vibrant and very sporty, I first started playing football when I was six for Cadbury Heath, which i've now moved on to play for Manor Farm. I was also active in other sport's such as martial arts and swimming. As time came along, I matured and attended St Bede's school in Laurence Weston, departing with a strong set of GCSE'S.

I've been studying at St Brendan's for a year, therefore this is my second year. However due to a lack of effort, motivation and hunger to succeed, I have started again. Turning over a  new leaf some may say. I have many dreams, my earliest dream was to become a professional footballer, to follow the pathway of fellow Bristolian Ian Holloway. However the persuit of this career wasn't successful, therefore i've decided I want to become a police officer. I'm very motivated to become one and i'm willing to excel in my A-levels and potentially university to become one.

This is only a small sector of my life, with many more memories and events to be added as I experience the world at a later date.

Monday 2 September 2013

My chosen text

My chosen text is an extract from the Sun sport 'Goals' pullout. This is a review on the match between Man City & Hull on Saturday 31st. It contains information relevant to the subject and stats. I chose this as my topic of interest because due to the topic being football.

The text is headlined 'BAD PELLE VISION'. This heading has negative feedback, which is relating to Manchester City's manager Manuel Pellegrini. This headline has been matched with a more in-depth subheading. This is to draw the audience in and inform them. The text contains a script of the games on goings, also using football jargon such as: tackles, goals, fouls. This is how the writer connects with the audience using the relevant language. This text is also based on the writers opinion of the game, with facts backing up his points.

A summary of this extract is that it's a very entertaining, informative and action packed. Filled with jargon relevant to football, which is backed up with facts purposely stated to inform.