Sunday 22 September 2013

Analysis Homework

Comedy Sketch:

My chosen piece to analyse is a clip from the TV Series 'The Inbetweeners'. This is one of my all time favorite shows, as it's very humorous due to it's use of language techniques. This chosen clip is from Mr.Gilbert's graduation speech.

He starts the speech with 'I will forget each and every one of you, almost immediately.' This can be deemed are very offensive and negative, however the humor in this is based on the characters upfront and concise personality. The tone of his voice, especially when he says 'If you think it will be nice to pop in and see how we are getting in, don't.' He shows authority and 'rips' into the students which his dry sense of humor, this is what the audience will find amusing. His bluntness towards the students is also funny, as he doesn't care about how they feel, he will just give his opinion and they can take it as it comes.

'Some of you I actively dislike, for no other reason than your poor personal hygiene'. Offensive comments in comedy are always a cheap laugh as the audience will on most occasion find jokes about other characters rather amusing.The use of taboo language when he says 'I can be one truly nasty f**ker' is humorous as he's very concise and blunt towards the audience. Ending the sentence with taboo language add's more effect as it stands out from the rest of the text, swearing at the teenagers, which is the funny part. 

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