Monday 2 September 2013

My chosen text

My chosen text is an extract from the Sun sport 'Goals' pullout. This is a review on the match between Man City & Hull on Saturday 31st. It contains information relevant to the subject and stats. I chose this as my topic of interest because due to the topic being football.

The text is headlined 'BAD PELLE VISION'. This heading has negative feedback, which is relating to Manchester City's manager Manuel Pellegrini. This headline has been matched with a more in-depth subheading. This is to draw the audience in and inform them. The text contains a script of the games on goings, also using football jargon such as: tackles, goals, fouls. This is how the writer connects with the audience using the relevant language. This text is also based on the writers opinion of the game, with facts backing up his points.

A summary of this extract is that it's a very entertaining, informative and action packed. Filled with jargon relevant to football, which is backed up with facts purposely stated to inform.

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